
General project planning, outputs, and Gantt charts for WP1.

This document covers the basic, overall plan for DP-Next as well as the plan for WP1. While the Gantt charts display an overview of the project, the sections below on milestones and deliverables provide more detailed information than what can be put on the charts.

%%{init: {
  'theme': 'neutral', 
  'gantt': {
    'barHeight': 25,
    'leftPadding': 125
    title Estimated timeline and activities for DP-Next project
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat %Y
    tickInterval 1year
    todayMarker off
    %% (`excludes` accepts specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week ("sunday") or "weekends", but not the word "weekdays".)

    section WP1<br>Management<br>and Collaboration
    T1.1 General project management: t1_1, 2025-01-01, 5y
    T1.2 Optimising collaboration: t1_2, 2025-01-01, 5y

    section WP2<br>Risk Prediction
    T2.1 Separate model development: t2_1, 2025-01-01, 18M
    T2.2 Machine Learning approaches: t2_2, 2026-01-01, 18M
    T2.3 Joint model development: t2_3, 2026-07-01, 18M
    T2.4 Validation: t2_4, 2028-01-01, 18M

    section WP3<br>Heterogeneity
    T3.1 Advanced clustering models: t3_1, 2027-07-01, 18M
    T3.2 Deep phenotyping substudy: t3_2, 2025-07-01, 54M

    section WP4<br>Development<br>and intervention
    T4.1 Investigate barriers and facilitators: t4_1, 2025-01-01, 18M
    T4.2 Develop & co-design: t4_2, after t4_1, 18M
    T4.3 Pilot test in specific populations: t4_3, after t4_2, 1y
    T4.4 Evaluation: t4_4, 2028-07-01, 18M
Figure 1: Gantt chart showing high-level tasks and deliverables for all WPs within DP-Next.
%%{init: {
  'theme': 'neutral', 
  'gantt': {
    'barHeight': 25,
    'leftPadding': 100
  title Tasks (T), Milestones (M), and Deliverables (D) for WP1
  dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
  axisFormat %Y
  tickInterval 1year
  todayMarker off
  %% (`excludes` accepts specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week ("sunday") or "weekends", but not the word "weekdays".)

  section Ongoing<br>activities
  T4. Iterate and refine collaboration: imp_collab, 2025-01-01, 5y
  T5. Develop project website: imp_proj_web, after collab_agree, 2030-01-01
  T9. Develop research ops website: imp_reops_web, after consensus, 2030-01-01
  T10. Maintain data infrastructure: imp_seedcase, after seedcase, 2030-01-01

  section General<br>setup
  T1. Establish working groups: wg, 2025-01-01, 2M
  T2.  Decide on collaboration approaches: collab_agree, after wg, 10M
  T3. Identify collaboration barriers: barriers, after wg, 10M
  M1. Setup project website: milestone, web_proj, after barriers, 1M
  D1. Collaboration workflow consensus report: milestone, consensus, after web_proj, 1M
  M3. Webpage for research ops: milestone, web_reops, after web_proj, 1M

  section WP2-linked<br>activities
  T6. Setup collaboration workflow: collab_wp2, after web_proj, 6M
  D1. R package infrastructure template: milestone, template_rpkg, 2026-06-01, 1M

  section WP3-linked<br>activities
  T7. Setup data engineering pipeline: de_wp3, after web_proj, 6M
  D2. Data engineering pipeline report: milestone, der_wp3, after de_wp3, 1M
  D3. Data Management Plan template: milestone, template_dmp, 2027-01-01, 1M 
  M4. Setup data infrastructure: milestone, seedcase, 2027-01-01, 1M

  section WP4-linked<br>activities
  M2. Setup knowledge repo: milestone, kr_wp4, after collab_agree, 1M
  T8. Build knowledge dissemination pipeline: kmp_wp4, after kr_wp4, 6M  

Figure 2: Gantt chart showing some basic tasks, milestones, and deliverables for Work Package 1


  • Setup project website to host details and documents relevant to this project and it’s WPs

  • Setup website to document and describe research operational practices used across Centers for easier sharing and onboarding

  • Open-source template Data Management Plan to use for WP3

  • Setup research data infrastructure that supports adhering to open FAIR practices for ease of internal and external sharing of data for WP3 (using software built from NNF-funded project from SDCA called Seedcase:

  • Open-source templates for building software package/app for risk prediction engine from WP2



  • Consensus document on agreed upon processes and workflows between WPs
  • Research operational management practices and processes employed in a large-scale multi-centered project: Future uses of using modern approaches to team-based research
  • DP-Next as an open-access and secure Data Resource for broader re-use of collected data for researchers (using SDCA-developed, NNF-funded Seedcase software)
  • Challenges and lessons learned in applying modern research ops and data engineering to a large-scale, multi-center project


  • Each center has resources and workflows for conducting reproducible and modern register-based research using the Danish registers
  • DP-Next data resource
  • DP-Next project website, with all (internal and external) knowledge generated, including all code and documentation