🚧 This website and documentation is still in very active development and evolving quickly, so content could undergo substantial changes at any time 🚧
Management group
The project will be led by the principal investigator, with support from the co-applicants / Work Package leaders, who together form the management group. This group will be responsible for the overall coordination of the project and ensuring it’s successful completion.
Technical working group
The technical working group will be responsible for the more technical and practical aspects of the project, primarily being responsible for fulfilling the aims of Work Package 1. This group will, at a minimum, be composed of at least one person from each work package (and preferably in each Steno center to support our upskilling aims) who acts as a “tech lead” for that work package. This group will keep track of some day-to-day operations (“research operations”), identify ways to reduce technical barriers, improve on and support effective collaborative practices, as well as ensuring the research is reproducible and open.